020 7431 2693 iga@groupanalysis-uk.co.uk
020 7431 2693iga@groupanalysis-uk.co.uk
If required, please use the criteria below to narrow your search for a therapist.
Email: graham.mackay@blueyonder.co.uk Website: https://www.grahammackaypsychotherapy.com
MY ONLINE GROUPS ARE FOR THERAPISTS AND HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE PROFESSIONALS TUESDAYS 07.30 - 09.00 GMT WEDNESDAYS 18.00 - 19.30 GMT THE GROUP THERAPY I OFFER IS GROUP ANALYTIC PSYCHOTHERAPY Why group? ?"In an individualizing, fast-moving, competitive world, group analysis challenges us to slow down, to sit and feel and think in the company of others. It often makes us confront questions of power, envy and inequality, as the group grapples with the injuries of living in an unjust world. It offers us the opportunity to explore what it means to belong, and to not-belong, and to develop new ways of being and relating. It can be a deeply moving and transformative experience, both for those who have previous experience of psychotherapy and counselling and those who are coming to therapy for the first time." (Prof. Sasha Roseneil) Why just for therapists and health & social care professionals? I am increasingly aware of the need for self compassion and the impact of moral injury. I also believe we are often constrained by our own shame and self-criticism and by the projections we elicit in others. Also, we know we “can use work - to stop feeling lonely, to feel clever, kind, creative, special and loved and cared for.” (Libby Nugent, @becomingethical) The group provides the container and the medium in which we can find both challenge and support, become more aware of the unconscious and allow ourselves to shift between, and explore new ways, of being in the world. https://www.grahammackaypsychotherapy.com/
Online Therapy
More Information
Email: Oxfordgroupanalysis@gmail.com
I am an Individual psychoanalytic psychotherapist and Group Analyst with extensive NHS experience. I am a registered supervisor and have additional qualifications in short term work in Dynamic Interpersonal therapy (DIT) where I am a registered practitioner and supervisor. I have extensive teaching and supervision experience too. I co-facilitate a private once weekly group in Oxford and co-convene the Oxford Foundation IGA programme. Teacher and supervisor
South and South East
Email: sallybild@gmail.com
I am a group analyst, individual psychotherapist and clinical supervisor with over 30 years experience of working with groups and individuals both within the NHS and private practice. I am currently working as a clinical supervisor at the IGA on both the Qualifying and Diploma courses.
Mobile: 07789847855 Email: marinagaspodini1@gmail.com Website: www.marinagaspodini.com
I am a group analyst and clinical supervisor with over 25 years experience of working in the NHS, both individually and in group. I am also a Mentalization Based Treatment Practitioner and supervisor. I have a private practice, facilitate experiential groups in statutory and third sector settings and offer clinical supervision. Currently my analytic group runs on a Wednesday evening at 6.30 in person, in NW3.
Email: catherinesbray@btinternet.com
I am a psychodynamic counsellor and group analyst, offering one-to-one individual sessions for short and long-term work and Group Analytic Therapy in a once weekly group (Tuesdays 4.45 - 6.15pm). The group is a mix of male and female members with a wide range of age and life experiences and takes place at Warners End Community Centre, Hemel Hempstead. I have current vacancies so there is no waiting list, please contact me for further details. Like many of us, I also offer telephone and internet based video to offer sessions to both my individual clients and, from time to time, to my Group
London, Online Therapy, South and South East
Telephone: ++447962029114 Mobile: +447962029114 Email: J.mayerjohnson@gmail.com Website: http://www.londoncounsellingandpsychotherapy.co.uk
I am a Group Analyst and Jungian Analyst with over 17 years post qualification experience as a psychotherapist/group analyst in NHS , university and private practice settings. and in the training of psychotherapists.Among my special interests is working with clients towards developing ones potential for for more creative ways of relating in personal , family and work relationships. My private practice in group analysis and individual psychotherapy is located in Islington N1 / Hackney E8
London, Online Therapy
Abbey Mews, (off Jack's Lane), TURVEY, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
Email: andyespey@turveygroupwork.co.uk Website: www.turveygroupwork.co.uk/therapy
Email: malcolmkaytherapy@gmail.com Website: malcolmkaytherapy.com
I have over 30 years of Nhs psychotherapy experience, I offer psychotherapy and supervision from rooms in central Aberdeen.
Other areas of particular interest are: -working with older people 55+: retirement and ageing - issues of identity and belonging: working with people of different cultural origins or from close-knit social groups such as sects or cults - gender and sexual orientation issues -
16 Upper Woburn Place, LONDON, Greater London, WC1H 0AF, United Kingdom
Telephone: 07896248307 Mobile: 07896248307 Email: roddymcdowall@protonmail.com Website: roddymcdowallpsychotherapy.com
Providing individual, couples/relationships online and face to face at locations in Euston and East Finchley area. Currently only doing group psychotherapy online. See website for more information.
Total Therapists Found: 79
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0845 260 1780 or 020 7431 4431
Or email us at contact@igareferrals.co.uk